Social media is a significant part of daily life, especially for Generation Z. This generation, which includes anyone born from 1997 to 2002, has grown up in the digital age. They’re also responsible for coming up with some of the most dangerous social media trends.
While platforms like Instagram and TikTok can foster creativity and connectivity, they can also promote risky behaviors. Here are 14 dangerous social media trends popularized by Gen Z.
1. Tide Pod Challenge

One of the most infamous social media trends involves eating Tide laundry pods. This is one of the most dangerous social media trends to emerge in recent years.
Eating Tide pods can lead to serious chemical burns, poisoning, and other life-threatening injuries. Despite warnings from health officials and Tide, videos of the challenge went viral, showcasing a concerning disregard for safety.
2. The Outlet Challenge

Electricity is dangerous, but some Gen Z’ers seemed to have forgotten that lesson. This trend involves sliding a coin between a partly plugged-in phone charger and the wall outlet to create sparks.
As far as social media trends, this one poses a serious risk of electrical fires and electrocution. Still, it gained traction on platforms like TikTok, prompting warnings from fire departments and safety experts.
3. The Nutmeg Challenge

Nutmeg is a delicious spice when used in moderation. However, consuming large quantities of nutmeg to experience its psychoactive effects.
It became popular on TikTok to take the Nutmeg Challenge by eating large spoonfuls all at once. Nutmeg poisoning can cause severe gastrointestinal reactions, heart and nerve problems, and other serious health issues.
4. The Skull Breaker Challenge

Originating on TikTok, this trend involves two people kicking their legs from under a third, causing them to fall backward. Most of the time this is played for comedic effect, but it can be dangerous if you’re not careful.
Tripping others intentionally in this manner can lead to severe head injuries, concussions, or worse. The trend has seen numerous participants hospitalized.
5. Sunburn Art

With the risk of melanoma, high UV exposure without sunscreen is extremely dangerous. Gen Z ignored this completely by creating sunburn art to post on social media.
Sunburn art involves applying sunscreen in certain patterns to create designs through your sunburn. This trend not only promotes skin damage but increases the risk of skin cancer.
6. The Kiki Challenge

In action movies, you see the heroes jump from a moving car all the time. In reality, it’s significantly more dangerous, but that hasn’t stopped Generation Z from taking part in the Kiki Challenge.
Participants exit a moving vehicle and dance alongside it to Drake’s song, “In My Feelings.” This trend has led to accidents and injuries due to participants not paying attention to oncoming traffic or losing control of their vehicles.
7. Full Face Waxing

Beauty videos are popular on social media. Some have taken this concept too far with full face waxing.
Videos showing people getting their entire face, including their eyes, covered with wax went viral. This can cause serious skin irritation, damage to the eyes, and potential allergic reactions.
8. The Choking Game

Many dangerous social media trends are created out of boredom. Some Gen Z’ers feel as though causing harm for likes is a worthy use of time.
Also known as the fainting challenge, this trend is one of the most incredibly dangerous to originate on TikTok. It involves choking oneself or others to achieve a high from lack of oxygen. It has led to death, brain damage, and other serious injuries.
9. DIY Orthodontics

Gen Z’ers don’t want to spend time at the dentist. Tutorials on how to straighten teeth at home using rubber bands or other household items became popular on TikTok.
Without expert training, you should never try to straighten your own teeth. This can lead to permanent damage to the teeth and gums, infections, and costly corrective surgeries.
10. The Cinnamon Challenge

The Cinnamon Challenge involves swallowing a spoonful of ground cinnamon without water. Skip this challenge since it can cause choking, lung inflammation, and respiratory distress.
The cinnamon coats and dries the mouth and throat, causing coughing and choking. It’s proof that too much sweetness can be dangerous.
11. The Salt and Ice Challenge

Many dangerous social media trends are about causing self-harm. For instance, the Salt and Ice Challenge involves putting salt on the skin followed by ice. This causes a burning reaction similar to frostbite. It can lead to second and third-degree injuries similar to severe burns.
12. The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

Kylie Jenner is famous for her seductive pout. Many Gen Z’ers wanting to get that look for themselves took part in this dangerous social media challenge.
Participants suction their lips in a small glass or bottle to swell them to mimic the celebrity’s plump lips. This can lead to bruising, broken blood vessels, and serious tissue damage.
13. The Fire Challenge

We learned at a young age not to play with fire. However, that hasn’t stopped many teenagers from pouring a flammable liquid on their skin and setting it alight, all in the name of likes and shares.
The Fire Challenge has resulted in numerous severe burn injuries and near-death experiences. Participants underestimate the power of the flame, even if it’s on the skin temporarily.
14. Eyeball Licking

Not only is this social media challenge gross, but it’s also dangerous. It originated in Japan and has since spread globally through social media.
Participants lick someone’s eyeball as a gesture of affection or daring. While it seems harmless, this act can lead to eye infections, corneal abrasions, and other vision impairments.
Stay Safe

Social media can be used for creative expression and maintaining connections. It also perpetuates harmful habits and danger if you’re not careful.
If you’re on social media, then do not take part in these dangerous social media trends. Generation Z has to especially be careful in recognizing the harm of these viral trends. Parents, guardians, influencers, and the teams behind these platforms must discuss these risks or ban the content to encourage safer online behavior.
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11 Things Baby Boomers Need to Know About Social Media

Alyssa Serio has been a writer and editor since graduating from Aurora University in 2014. In her free time, she loves reading, playing volleyball, and watching any horror movie (even the bad ones) with her husband.