Eric Tyson suggests these 7 killer apps for your finances.

Seven Killer Apps for Your Finances, According to Eric Tyson

Apps for your finances recommended by Eric TysonIf you’re looking to make your financial life a bit easier and more convenient, it can help to have information on hand at the click of a smartphone. Here are seven killer apps for your finances, recommended by Eric Tyson, author of Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies and 17 other books published by Wiley.


Access a wealth of data on the economy and financial markets, without any advertisements nor prompts to buy upgrades. FRED (which stands for Federal Reserve Economic Data) brings you the signature economic database maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in a very user friendly package. 


Tyson says he uses Vanguard’s app for its “abroad array of cost-effective funds with solid long-term performance. In addition to Vanguard, other major fund companies with quality offerings and apps include T. Rowe Price and Fidelity. But many other banks, investment companies, brokers, and so on have apps. So if you have a favorite investment firm or bank, check out what it offers.”


Tyson likes the simplicity and practicality of this expense-tracking app. The basic version provides you with up to one year of expense-tracking history in ten main categories. There is also a paid or premium version, which provides up to five years of expense tracking with unlimited categories as well as email support. He recommends you try out the free version of this app and decide later if you want to invest in the premium version.


This free app will show you the gas prices at various service stations in your area, so you can compare and get a good price when you fill up.


When going on lengthy car trips, car tolls can add up quickly. This is a low-cost app that lets you compare toll costs for alternative routes.


This interestingly named app is price tracker that scans items on Amazon, shows you their price history, and sends you alerts when a product you’re interested in drops in price.


Here’s another way to save money on commonly purchased items. This app scans items everywhere online, although its website is much easier to use.

Killer Apps for Your Finances

“Of course, there are countless other personal finance apps out there to explore,” Tyson said. “Just do your research, proceed with caution, and never forget that apps should make your life easier and should help you further your financial goals. If you ever suspect any app isn’t doing these things, it’s time to reconsider.”

Readers, please let us know what you think of the seven apps recommended here. What are your favorite mobile apps for personal finance?