strange theories

Strange Theories: 15 Puzzling Ideas People Believe

strange theories

The world is full of mysteries, but there are some people who believe in strange theories that stretch the bounds of conventional wisdom. These ideas range from a disregard for science to the belief that the supernatural is strange, to say the least.

No shade to anyone who believes in these puzzling ideas, but one needs to have a big imagination to believe they’re possible. Here are 15 of strange theories that have captured the minds of millions of people around the world.

1. The Flat Earth Theory

planet Earth

Despite centuries of scientific evidence proving otherwise, some still believe in strange theories such as the fact that the Earth is flat. This ancient conception of the world’s shape continues to find adherents in the modern “Flat Earth” movements.

2. The Hollow Earth Hypothesis

hollow Earth theory

This theory suggests that the Earth is entirely hollow or contains a substantial interior space. Some versions of this theory even propose the existence of a whole other civilization living inside the Earth.

3. Paul McCartney is Dead

creepy version of the Beatles on Abbey Road

A bizarre conspiracy theory claims that The Beatles’ Paul McCartney died in the 1960s and was replaced by a look-alike. Believers point to supposed “clues” in the band’s music and album covers. Paul McCartney is alive and well, which is why this is a weird addition to the list of strange theories.

4. The Phantom Time Hypothesis

ancient clock

Proposed by Heribert Illig in 1991, this theory argues that 297 years (AD 614 to 911) were added to the calendar through the alteration of historical documents, effectively fabricating this period of history.

5. The Mandela Effect


Named after Nelson Mandela, whom some people falsely remembered dying in prison in the 1980s, the Mandela Effect involves collective misremembering of common events or details, suggesting alternate realities.

6. Chemtrails

airplane taking off into the sky

Some conspiracy theorists assert that the condensation trails left by planes are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed by the government for unknown sinister purposes.

7. Lizard People Control the World

lizard people

This theory claims that shape-shifting reptilian beings could control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate societies globally.

8. The Moon Landing was a Hoax

moon landing

Some believe that the U.S. faked the moon landings to win the Space Race against the Soviet Union, suggesting that the landings were staged by Hollywood with special effects.

9. The Simulation Hypothesis


This theory posits that all of reality, including the Earth and the universe, is actually an artificial simulation, most likely by advanced computer technology.

10. The Planet Nibiru and the Anunnaki


According to this theory, there is a hidden planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru, which will eventually collide with Earth. The Anunnaki, an alien race from this planet, are said to have created humans.

11. The Montauk Project

air force

Alleged to have occurred at Montauk Air Force Station, this conspiracy theory involves developments in psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel.

12. The Illuminati and the New World Order


A theory that an elite group called the Illuminati controls world events aiming to establish a New World Order, an authoritarian world government.

13. The Bermuda Triangle

bermuda triangle

A region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances, attributed by some to paranormal or extraterrestrial forces.

14. Bigfoot


Strange theories could be possible, but it would take a lot of evidence. One such belief is in Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch. This creature is purportedly an ape-like being that lives in the forests of North America. Despite many purported sightings and footprints, scientific proof remains elusive.

15. The Lost City of Atlantis

lost city of atlantis

Proposed by Plato, Atlantis is a mythical lost underwater city that has captured the imagination of explorers and historians alike, leading to numerous theories about its existence and location.

World of Weird

world of conspiracy theories

These strange theories, whether backed by evidence or not, reflect our innate desire to make sense of the world around us. They challenge our understanding of reality, history, and science, sometimes all at the same time. Whether you dismiss these ideas as mere fiction or considers them possible, they certainly provide intriguing insights into the complexities of the way we think as humans.

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