summer heat

4 Ways to Decrease Your Cooling Costs Next Summer

As summer looms over the horizon, you may fear for your wallet because the energy that it takes to keep your home cool is no joke. You don’t have to break into a sweat over that, however, because there are measures that you can take to decrease your cooling costs and avoid blowing your budget. Here are four of the ways in which you can decrease your cooling costs next summer. Prepare to put them into practice as soon as you can so that you’re ready when the heat sets in.

1. Service Your Air Conditioner

The first thing that you ought to do so that you can decrease your cooling costs this summer is to service your air conditioner. With regular use, air conditioners tend to accumulate a lot of dirt and debris. This leaves them unable to function optimally, and they end up using more energy to serve the same purpose.

Find a reliable professional to service your unit as often as it needs servicing so that they do a proper job. On this note, they should be aware of things such as the fact that 57% of the AC units that are sold are mini-splits, according to ComfyLiving. The more informed they are about your system, the better the job they’ll be able to do.

2. Replace Your Air Conditioner if It’s Old

If you’ve had your air conditioner for so long that it’s at the end or nearly at the end of its lifespan, you need to consider replacing it. This is something that a professional will advise you to do as they know the implications of running an old unit. Do some research and also ask your professional what they suggest you upgrade your unit to. It should be one that’s modern and therefore better able to save energy and keep your house at a comfortable temperature with minimal energy use. To pick the best unit, you may be interested in learning facts such as that the high energy efficiencies of Fujitsu Halcyon ductless mini split systems lower utility bills by up to 25%, according to Fujitsu.

3. Make Use of Fans

To help your air conditioner work more efficiently, you can back it up with fans. Doing this can help you avoid having to crank it up to the highest energy setting. Keep in mind that when you ease back on central cooling by a mere three degrees Fahrenheit, you can trim your air conditioning costs by anywhere between 12% and 15%.

Fans are an efficient way for you to be able to do this. This is the main reason why you should set up a fan or two strategically to help you manage your energy needs. In fact, when just one room is occupied, it’s not necessary for you to cool the whole house down. You can use a fan in this room to keep it comfortably cool and save energy.

4. Install the Right Window Treatments

Finally, you should make use of window treatments. Installing the right ones is a sure way to help you keep your home cooler. With shades and blinds, you can keep the sun out of your home during its hottest periods. Doing this can also help you keep your home’s soft furnishings in good shape as well as they won’t fall in the path of harsh UV rays. When it’s cooler and the sun has gone down, you can open the windows and let the air circulate better throughout the house. It will help get rid of the accumulated heat efficiently.

In these four ways, you can lower the cooling costs of your home next summer. Keep up with these tips, and you may realize energy savings throughout the year and as the seasons change. Ultimately, you can be sure that your home will be greener and more comfortable at a lower cost to you.