small cap investing blog

Looking for a Small Cap Investing Blog? Here are 4

small cap investing blog

Investing is a long-term game of strategy, research, and seizing an opportunity at the right time. Or, buying low and selling high to profit. This is easier said than done, and while most people should consult a financial advisor or investment expert, most don’t. They either don’t know any or just can’t afford to do so. I have an investor friend whom I ask for advice from time to time. Yet, more often than not I find myself on my own when it comes to my investment choices. Sometimes that means seeking out small cap investing blogs.

Small Cap Investing Blogs Can Help

I usually invest in stocks and companies in hundreds or thousands of dollars. That is a lot of money to me, money that I cannot afford to lose. That is an easy thing to do for the average investor. Although statistically speaking, profiting from investments can be a hard thing to do even for experienced, active investors. Over 80% of stock traders have lost money on trades between 1992 and 2006. Barely 1% of them profited appreciably.

Most people invest in small capitalization stocks. These are publicly traded companies and stocks with a market capitalization value of between $300 million and $2 billion. Although that is mostly a general rule of thumb. I need all help that I can get, so I check out helpful small cap investing blogs whenever I can.

Alpha Vulture

Alpha Vulture is an investing blog that has been maintained by a European poker player since 2010. The blog offers a research calculated and scientifically inclined approach to investing to his readers. Alpha Vulture assesses international trading market power plays, analyzing time-horizons for investments, and even posts in-depth thesis analyses about emotionally dispassionate investing and risk. The writer has parlayed his skills as a former poker player into valuable information earned from his experiences as an investor through the blog.


Since 2010, Nate Tobik has been blogging about unknown and under-appreciated investment opportunities. His investment philosophy is that one should look off or around the beaten track for the investment opportunities of tomorrow. Tobik believes that investors should broaden their horizons, consider obscure investments, and even consider international trading opportunities.

Oddballstocks encourages readers to look at frontier markets or business liquidations, for example, as opportunities of timing, instead of following the investment crowd. Check out Tobik’sinvestment philosophy posts about financial institution valuation assessment strategies, diversification, investment safety margins, and more.

Bronte Capital

Bronte Capital is an eccentric, informative, entertaining, and sometimes downright provocative investment blog that is run by John Hempton. Hempton is a self-described semi-retired investment fund manager from Sydney, Australia. His investment experience is in insurance companies, banking institutions, and other varied investment interests.

Hempton’s blog specializes in offering insightful, cynical, and skeptical commentary on the state of current investment markets. Bronte Capital is infamous for exposing fraudulent companies, investors, and a blush-inducing post about overpriced sex workers in Latvia.

Deep Dive Research

Investing is a serious matter that can cost you a lot of money. If you find that you can’t rely on a financial advisor, consultant, or expert, read as many small cap investing blogs as you can find. Read them from start to finish. Look for blogs that are not overly optimistic or sponsor shilling for self-benefit. They should assess risk correctly and have a positive record of recommendations.

Finally, you can get a ton of great knowledge from non-small cap blogs.  Personal finance blogs in general, are authored by people enthusiastic about money and are worth the read.  Some good ones are: savedbythecents.com, Nick Maggiulli’s Of Dollars and Data, and 30DaystoX’s Sad Nocoiner.

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