kiss me im irish

Lucky St. Patrick’s Day Guest Post

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Thousandaire readers!

If you can’t tell by my last name, I have a lot of Irish in me (although my dad was adopted so I’m not a McKee by blood. I’m a Delaney, which is just as Irish). The point is, I’m wearing a lot of green today and I’m pinching the crap out of people who aren’t doing the same!

kiss me im irishIf you’re looking for my post today, I posted it over at Budgeting in the Fun Stuff today as a guest post. So click that link baby!

If you are a BITFS reader and you’re here for the first time, I want you to know that my site is magically delicious. Below you’ll find links to some of my most popular posts, and then I’ve embedded some of my recent/popular videos. I hope you like them, and if you then feel free to subscribe to my feed and follow me on twitter. Thanks dudes!

The Kevin McKee Show

Haven’t Made a Budget

What is a Roth IRA?

6 thoughts on “Lucky St. Patrick’s Day Guest Post”

  1. I’m not really Irish at all, but my dog is half Irish. That has to count for something! And I lived in Ireland! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE St. Patrick’s Day! Hope you’re having loads of fun!

  2. Fake Subscribers?

    Why does your subscriber count on the top right show 24,189 subscribers? Are you inflating your numbers?

    1. Great question. I only have about 115 subscribers and that is definitely wrong. The weird thing is, sometimes it’s right and sometimes it’s wrong, and I never know which it will be.

      I actually sent an email to my theme developer this morning asking him how to fix it, or at least when it’s broken show a more realistic number. I’m hoping to hear back soon. I’m definitely not trying to pretend I have more subscribers than I really do.

  3. Sandy @ yesiamcheap

    There’s nothing Irish about me but my last name is of Scottish decent so that’s close, right? I am wearing my green.

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