Fat Kevin Loves Gelato

Fat Kevin: Workout March Month Expedition Extravaganza

I have bad news, good news, and more good news.

The bad news is, I completely failed in my February goal of flossing and whitening my teeth. I used the Crest Whitestrips for two days and my teeth were so sensitive it was unbearable, so I had to stop. As far as flossing was concerned, I did more than usual but still not every day. I’m going to try to floss more, but I have a new goal for March.

The good news is that I am going to get in better shape in the month of March. In the last few months, I’ve been living up to my “Fat Kevin” nickname. I haven’t been as active this winter as I usually am, and I feel unhealthy. I’ve decided that for the whole month of March, I will work out six days a week. It’s my Workout March Month Expedition Extravaganza.

The other good news is that I created a new youtube channel for vlogging, and have my first video here. It’s a funny video about where my “Fat Kevin” nickname came from, so I recommend you check it out.

Here’s my workout plan. It’s a pretty diverse workout plan and the best part is it won’t cost me a penny. I am using my apartment gym or the pool at the community college where I’m taking courses when necessary.

Monday: The Fight on PS3 Move (don’t laugh, this is a great workout)
Tuesday: Chest/Arms/Abs in the gym
Wednesday: Legs/Cardio
Thursday: Swim
Friday: Chest/Arms/Abs in the gym
Saturday: Swim
Sunday: Rest or makeup a missed day

I’m not going to be strict about staying on this schedule. If my friends invite me to play a pickup game of flag football and I do that for an hour, that’s enough workout for the day. As long as I do something six days a week, I feel like I’ll feel way better in April than I do today in March.

So that’s it. 31 days to not feeling like such a piece of crap. Yay exercise.

12 thoughts on “Fat Kevin: Workout March Month Expedition Extravaganza”

  1. Nice workout plan!!! It’s really great that you have access to the community college pool and gym. I want to see if you can keep it up after March.

    We love Cinque Terre and gelato too. 😉

    1. Cinque Terra is pretty much my favorite place in all of Europe. It’s good to hear you’ve had the good fortune to experience it as well.

  2. I’m with you on this, Kevin. I was lazyyyy all of February. It is now March 1st and I already used my lunch hour to go on a run.

  3. Go you! I completely failed our teeth whitening goal as well. Ah well…life goes on. I’m on the workout bandwagon too. You should run or bike on the Katy Trail if it’s anywhere near you. I ran there this weekend and LOVED it! My goal is only 5 days a week. That’s hard enough for me! My goal is to be able to run for an hour by the end of the month. Ack!

    1. Ah, I hate running unless I’m playing a sport. I guess the nice thing about my 6 days a week is that I never work out for longer than 30-60 minutes unless I’m playing sports. It’s nice because I just work really hard for under and hour and feel like I’ve done a good workout.

  4. Travis @DebtChronicles

    I’m SOOOO In on this challenge! I’ve actually lost 19.6 pounds already this year, and am looking to lose 16.4 more for a total of 36 pounds, at which time, my wii fit will STOP calling me FAT. I am tired of hearing that smug little voice say “That’s overweight” everytime I step on the board.

    1. I knew you’d be up for it. My man Travis is always up for a good challenge. Congrats on all the weight you’ve lost so far. I’m very impressed!

  5. You have great ambitions Kevin! I hope you succeed! Don’t forget to take TAG along with you!

    1. Whatever I go without him all the time. And I have been going without him a lot even before March.

  6. Protein shakes from GNC or Complete Nutrition are awesome for those who are getting back into working out. If you are ever lagging try one! Oh and Burts Bees has an all natural whitening toothpaste that won’t make your teeth sensitive :).
    *I am a newbie here- I googled “should I pay off my school loans early” and your site popped up. Nice work on answering my question! It’s so refreshing to see another young adult with half an idea lol.

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