If you want to increase your wealth and become financially secure, you need to do several things. You need to change your mindset about how money works, develop a long-term plan to achieve your goals, consult with experts, and create a network that benefits you and your associates. The most efficient and organic way to skyrocket your wealth is to build a millionaire network. It requires a lot of hustle but you can do it in various direct and indirect ways.
How to Build a Millionaire Network
Be humble and stay grounded. The goal here is not to just rub elbows with millionaires. It is to realize your business potential and create an organic professional network that benefits yourself and everyone involved.
Money attracts money and success attracts success. You don’t have to be a millionaire to build a millionaire network; you just have to prove that you are on your way to greater success with your actions.
Here is a checklist of things you should accomplish before trying to build a millionaire network:
- Save money
- Eradicate debt from your life
- Use money as a tool to ensure options in life
- Change your mindset about money; money is a tool, not an end within itself
- Keep money in the family strategically to ensure generational wealth
- Make wise investments based on your skills and talents
- Create a business based on consumer demographics and need
- Network with likeminded people
The key to building a millionaire network is to create your network or help others network in mutually beneficial ways, to create social ripples that attract bigger opportunities to you.
Here is what you should do.
Publish a Book
Building a millionaire network sounds great, but to what end? Are you looking for investors or business partners? If so, what are your business aspirations? What product or service do you want to sell? What services do you offer?
Perhaps you have a life story or experiences that could benefit others if they read about it in a book.

A book can be leveraged into lucrative speech and motivational speech circuits, talk shows and podcast interviews, and maybe into TV and film adaptations.
Start by writing a book or paying a ghostwriter to write it for you. And before you feign outrage, ghostwriters are a vital but underrated industry. Over 70% of the books published by major publishing houses are written by ghostwriters. The other 30% are the brand name writers you know.
Over 99% of books and memoirs written by athletes, politicians, rock stars, businesspeople, and other celebrities are completely written by or partially written by a ghostwriter.
Write your book. Develop a social media marketing campaign and target social media groups, podcast hosts, small media representatives, and consumers who may gravitate to your marketing. Ask yourself, who would read this book, and what would they get out of it. If you can afford to, hire a digital marketing consultant.
Brainstorm how you can market your book on social media to advertise to the most amount of people in the shortest period. You never know what kind of network or opportunity may materialize.
Give a Local Speech
In a post-pandemic world of high inflation, gas prices, and economic and political worries, the only certainty is that people love being motivated.
It’s why people buy self-help books. It’s why they buy memoirs. And it’s why they root for self-made entrepreneurs.
In December 2022, a young entrepreneur named Veronica Shaw created a condiment called Pink Sauce in her kitchen. She caused a stir on Tik Tok because consumers complained about the quality and sanitary standards of the product. Shaw, an amateur businesswoman who knows nothing about quality control standards, was invited on a daytime talk show to talk to the audience and plead her case.
I’m not suggesting you do what she did. (Even though her product is still on the market.) What I am saying is that you should offer to give a speech at academic institutions, conferences, local events, and any institution that will let you give a speech.
Offer to speak for free. Have a friend record it so you can post it on social media later. People love hearing businesspeople and experts talk about their life stories, obstacles, and how they achieved success. And they want to feel ambition and determination vicariously to energize themselves.
Then, you hook them at the end of your speech by asking them to buy your book or product or to share what they learned on social media. Every speech you give is a new way to
You need to pick your opportunities and not be too picky about them, but one of the best ways to build a millionaire network is to give speeches.
Learn How to Network and Connect with People Like Yourself
The key to success is building a network of people who work with each other for mutual benefits. The best way to build a millionaire network is to perhaps start indirectly. Can you plug yourself into an associate’s network respectfully and professionally to help everyone involved?
(You may want to ask permission first or broach the idea before starting. If you do so without asking, that is fine, but you have no guarantees of reciprocation.)
For example, could you refer everyone you know, or on social media, to a friend you know who is a mechanic or a baker? Now, your friend is not beholden to do any favors for you. But it would not be in their best interest to then not hear out your ideas or proposals.
How could your individual networking interests be merged? Your friend may have other business associates they could introduce you to. Or, you could brainstorm further networking efforts to add more exposure to your respective brands.
It may be easier to pool your networking efforts with someone else’s network with like-minded goals than going it alone.
Create a Brand and Social Media Presence
Whatever business route that you pursue, you need to create a public persona for yourself, or a “brand,” for business and networking purposes. You know the name of Hollywood screenwriters for blockbusters because they made themselves a brand. You know the name of a regional businessperson because they made themselves a brand.
To make the most of writing a book, making speeches, or getting interviewed on a podcast for networking purposes, you must establish a public persona, a brand. Post photos of yourself in professional and fashionable attire on your social media. Post photos that project you as a professional and someone to network with.
The business world is online now. And you are more likely to build a millionaire network directly or indirectly from a social media network relative to your branding and social media presence.
Whatever You Do, Don’t Do This
Self-improvement should be a given for most people, but it isn’t. It takes hard work, focus, drive, ambition, planning, and a willingness to learn and grow from mistakes instead of giving up after a failure.
It’s OK to ask for advice from consultants, professionals, and businesspeople. It is not OK to stalk rich people, nag them, ask for money, or try to ingratiate yourself with them by invading their social lives.
Rich people and celebrities are burdened by requests from family and strangers for money all the time. The rich are targets for frivolous lawsuits whenever they walk outside. Studies have been done to prove it.
If you get into a car accident with a stranger, you might let insurance handle it. If it was a rich person, would you sue? Gweneth Paltrow was accused of slamming into a retired man at a ski resort; he sued her for $300,000, alleging he received brain damage from the collision. Paltrow won the case.
The point is that most financially savvy rich people try not to make new friends after they become rich, or if they do, its only with other high net worth folks. People see them as walking ATMs and they are lawsuit magnets.
You don’t have to feel sorry for the rich but don’t stalk rich people or ingratiate yourself into their lives to build a millionaire network.
Big things start in small ways. Work on yourself, make a plan, and start an organic network that always benefits you. When you’re successful, you will see that money attracts money and further networking opportunities.
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Allen Francis was an academic advisor, librarian, and college adjunct for many years with no money, no financial literacy, and no responsibility when he had money. To him, the phrase “personal finance,” contains the power that anyone has to grow their own wealth. Allen is an advocate of best personal financial practices including focusing on your needs instead of your wants, asking for help when you need it, saving and investing in your own small business.