Yakezie Blog Swap

Financial Motivation Blog Swap Round-Up

Hello friends.

Yakezie Blog SwapI bet you weren’t expecting a weekend post! Well today I have the pleasure of hosting the fifth Yakezie Blog Swap. Twenty two of the best personal finance bloggers on the internet have come together to answer one question: What is your Financial Motivation?

These bloggers are letting you into some of their deepest personal thoughts and motivations, and each one of the articles is sure to give you a new appreciation for the author. I’ve read every single one of these posts, and they are all great!

My Favorite Swapped Post

Maybe it’s because I’m always amazed with success stories from people who grew up with so much less than I had, but I loved Sandy’s post about Fear of Poverty at Beating Broke; specifically the poverty she experienced as a child, is her financial motivation. Great post Sandy!

Also make sure to check out her partner Shane’s post about Financial Intentionality at Yes I Am Cheap.

My Swap

I want to give a special THANK YOU to Derek from Life and My Finances. He posted my article about being Snubbed for “Most Likely To Succeed” and I had some great comments from a few of his readers.

Also, don’t forget to check out Derek’s post about Fear, Family and Independence right here on Thousandaire.

The Rest of the Great Financial Motivation Posts

We had one more participant, but Barbara didn’t like my topic (humph!). However, I forgive her and, if you’re lacking financial motivation, she has some tips for you at Money in the 20s.

Thanks to everyone for sharing! Thousandaires, what was your favorite post?

13 thoughts on “Financial Motivation Blog Swap Round-Up”

  1. Financial Samurai

    Love the initiative Kevin by you and the rest! Great work! I just love how everybody creates their own things to do to help others. This is what the Yakezie is all about!

    Best, Sam

    1. Kevin,

      Thanks for hosting the blog swap. This was my first one and it was great to read about people’s different motivations on being at financially motivated.

      See you at the next swap!

  2. Jacob @ My Personal Finance Journey

    Thanks for putting this together! I’m going to copy for the round up on my site, if you don’t mind! haha

  3. Sandy @ yesiamcheap

    Awesome to have this all in one place!! This is my first blog swap. It was great reading about what other people’s perspectives were on the same subject. Thanks for choosing my post as editor’s pick. 🙂

  4. Paula @ AffordAnything.org

    What a great roundup! It’s so interesting to see what people’s motives are. Mine is to be “financially free,” which I define as having a steady stream of passive income that will afford me a reasonable cost-of-living for the rest of my life.

  5. LifeAndMyFinances

    Thanks for the leadership on this blog swap Kevin! And I loved your post that was part of my site too.

    By the way, your site looks awesome. Keep up the good work.

  6. Barb Friedberg

    Kevin-Awesome job (even if you did call me out!) 🙂 Thanks for putting it all together. Now I’m going to read them all! And of course steal for my round-up!

  7. Great round up! I enjoyed reading those this morning. Nice to have an extra weekend post!

  8. I’m glad everyone enjoyed the roundup today. To anyone who participated, feel free to use this roundup on your site and spread the word. 🙂

  9. Invest It Wisely

    Did I already leave a comment here and fall into spam?
    In any case, thanks for the great roundup!

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